3 de mayo de 2012

The Gimp 2.8 liberada

Al fin. Luego de tanta espera, se liberó la tan esperada versión 2.8 de The Gimp. Aunque los Usuarios de Windows deberemos esperar algo más, hasta que se porte The Gimp 2.8 a Windows. Les copio parte del anuncio oficial.
We are happy to announce immediate availability of GIMP 2.8 — a new stable version of GNU Image Manipulation Program that culminates 3.5 years of exciting work. With this version we are introducing some long-anticipated features such as layer groups, on-canvas text editing, advanced brush dynamics and the much desired optional single-window mode. We also started applying other important changes to the user interface that bring us closer to matching the product vision. For detailed information about changes since 2.6 please read the release notes. Source code is available for downloading from a plethora of mirrors, a build for Windows will soon be available, and we hope to see a build for Mac OS X released as well.
Felicitaciones a todos los que hacen posible The Gimp.

Fuente: Sitio Oficial The Gimp

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